Sunday, November 29, 2009

My IE keeps locking up for no apparent reason. What do I need to do?

Mozilla Firefox.

My IE keeps locking up for no apparent reason. What do I need to do?windows xp professional

get mozilla firefox.

My IE keeps locking up for no apparent reason. What do I need to do?windows xp home internet explorer

There are some problems with IE on Windows Vista (If that's what you have).

Download Firefox.
Switch to Mozilla Firefox.

It is a lot better and more responsive than Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
You may possibly have a corrupt cache file -- it makes all KINDS of things go wonky. Try this: clear your history, temporary files (these will take a while!) %26amp; cookies, restart the computer and retry. Here is the HELP link for how to do this in different browsers:

In IE I want 2 use "urdu" as userdefine language and "Nastaliq"as font I have In

So what is your question? If the site is in Urdu, you will see it as such. The other languages will not be automatically translated into Urdu.

The IE that came with my laptop has stopped working.Should I delete it and then download another fro

Arising from the problem I downloaded Firefox today, which also has refused to work. I have also switched off the firewall, yet no solution. What I've been using to browse is the Realplayer browser. Any help?

The IE that came with my laptop has stopped working.Should I delete it and then download another from Yahoo!?ie 6

Its hard to diagonise the problem without knowing what exactly the problem is. However, if this persists and there is no solution you can do a System Restore.

Zune IE Plugin for Youtube (Zuneit)?

I am having the problem shown above ^

Every time i click "zuneit" a message says "Failed to download the video"

Zune IE Plugin for Youtube (Zuneit)?windows server 2003

Me too, but all I can find is version 1.0 released last year. Youtube changes the video headers quite often to keep people (like us) from getting copies.

My IE is launching with 'NO ADD-ONS' (even after reboot). How do i restore?

click on start %26gt; run

type iexplore.exe

press ok

see if it helps

Downloaded IE 7 and now having problems closing pages?

Pages show not responding on Task manager

Downloaded IE 7 and now having problems closing pages?microsoft live

you would have not downloaded IE 7 properly. While downloading IE 7 your system might have got interrupted in between. Best way is to go to the update it again..

My IE all of a sudden got really small font I can barelly read it and see anything. Anyone knows how

Try Internet explorer -%26gt; view -%26gt; text size -%26gt; medium (or larger as per your preference)

My IE all of a sudden got really small font I can barelly read it and see anything. Anyone knows how to adjustwindows vista home premium

Try holding the CTRL key and rolling the wheel on your mouse backwards (towards you).

My IE all of a sudden got really small font I can barelly read it and see anything. Anyone knows how to adjustie tab internet explorer

If your mouse has a wheel, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and move the wheel, that will change your font size. Kind of like zooming in and out.
view, text size, medium usually works
Go to View -%26gt; Text Size. Change it according to your preferences.
in ie menu set view-%26gt; text size -%26gt; largest

Does ie come with my computer ? Or does it come with yahoo when you dowload it.?

Yes, most computers come with ie. some may come with firefox or netscape. Make sure your ie is ie7. ie7 is the latest version

Does ie come with my computer ? Or does it come with yahoo when you dowload it.?windows explorer

IE comes with Windows. So if you use a windows operating system, then yes, it will have IE.

Does ie come with my computer ? Or does it come with yahoo when you dowload it.?microsoft zune internet explorer

Internet Exploder is an INTEGRAL part of M$ WindBlows.

You are stuck with it when you buy Windblows with your PC, you need it when you do any security downloads ( you DO use Windows Update? ) or to communicate with many websites.

I use FIREFOX all the time and Exploder only when I must.

Firefox works EVERYWHERE. IE doesn't unless you emulate M$...

Yahoo IE runtime error?

Whenever I click on the link to go to Yahoo sports page, I get 'runtime error; Yahoo is undefined. I have to click 'no' about a dozen times before the page will load, and then it loads out of order, so to speak ( not correctly). Then I hit refresh and it loads fine. Then I'll click on a link in Yahoo sports, and get more runtimes errors, asking me if I want to debug. When I debug, it gets me nowhere. HELP!!!

Yahoo IE runtime error?download windows media player

click tools /Internet options / advance tab/ put a check mark in disable script debugging Internet explorer also check disable script debugging other. and make sure display a notification every script error is UNCHECKED click okay. If you need more help please repost.

Yahoo IE runtime error?internet explorer update internet explorer

Remove the Yahoo! Toolbar
Click this.
ok, sometimes it's a JAVA problem, go to and download the runtime, let's see if that work .
Open IE and open the following website,

Once opened it, Goto Favorites in the menu bar and click add to favourites and ad the website in favorites list. Once you added right click on the website which you have in favorites and goto Send To--%26gt; Desktop (Shortcut)

Using IE 7 with SBC Yahoo DSL, is there a way to get an AUDIBLE notification when I get an email?

I do NOT want to be connected to Yahoo Messenger in order to get an audible notification. I am blind, and it would be very helpful to have something to alert me when I get a new email. I use Yahoo Mail.

Using IE 7 with SBC Yahoo DSL, is there a way to get an AUDIBLE notification when I get an email?microsoft works

Only Yahoo! Messenger can give you 'AUDIBLE' notification called sound alert option for you..

sign in to your messenger

click "messenger" menu on it%26gt;preferences

click "alerts and sounds"

check "enable sound alerts" click "apply"

now you will be sounded on new incoming mail when you are signed in to your messenger

don close and sign-out from your messenger ,keep it open to hear and see alerts on new incoming mails.

Pool- IE stop working and restarts-!!VISTA!!?

It not only restarts but completely signs me out. OK on some games but does this on pool every time. I can clear it with restore but it comes back.

Pool- IE stop working and restarts-!!VISTA!!?microsoft office 2003

Consider this an excellent time to recognize that

your operating system is defective. I recommend replacing

it with one of:

Any of these will be more reliable, less susceptible to

viri, uses your hardware more efficiently, and they're

all free.

In IE provided by yahooi have no option to view recently blocked pop-ups so how do I view them?

I think the first thing you should know is that Yahoo! is not providing a different version of IE than Microsoft, they just are hosting another download.

Now, in order to see a pop up that was blocked, what you will have to do is add the website that is trying to send yo a pop up to your trusted sites list.

You should be able to do this under preferences.

Once yo have done that, return to the website that had its pop ups blocked and do again what caused the pop up to try to pop up in the first place.

In IE provided by yahooi have no option to view recently blocked pop-ups so how do I view them?

I think the first thing you should know is that Yahoo! is not providing a different version of IE than Microsoft, they just are hosting another download.

Now, in order to see a pop up that was blocked, what you will have to do is add the website that is trying to send yo a pop up to your trusted sites list.

You should be able to do this under preferences.

Once yo have done that, return to the website that had its pop ups blocked and do again what caused the pop up to try to pop up in the first place.

Hacktool.IE.Exploit virus?

Run a anti-virus or anti spyware . If it is virus or spyware

these software will catch and request your action.

Otherwise follow sunshine girl suggestion .

Hacktool.IE.Exploit virus?windows 2000

"...a generic detection of web pages which attempt to exploit the Microsoft Internet Explorer createTextRange() handling vulnerability .

This does not necessarily mean that malware has been found. It merely means that JavaScript code was found which attempts to activate additional executable code without the user's express permission...."

Have IE Wind XP. Added a .rar file in Spanish by accident and now right clicks are in Spanish.Cant g

I have gone to language choices in Windows and it is set to English. It is only the right click instruction menu that gives Spanish instructions.

Have IE Wind XP. Added a .rar file in Spanish by accident and now right clicks are in Spanish.Cant get to project

Try to uninstall winrar and delete the spanish file and see what happens.

Have IE Wind XP. Added a .rar file in Spanish by accident and now right clicks are in Spanish.Cant get to powerpoint internet explorer

Google offers a translation service ( Just type in all options of right click in the translation dialog and choose the option of 'Spanish to English'. Hope it works for you.

Yahoo IE runtime error?

Whenever I click on the link to go to Yahoo sports page, I get 'runtime error; Yahoo is undefined. I have to click 'no' about a dozen times before the page will load, and then it loads out of order, so to speak ( not correctly). Then I hit refresh and it loads fine. Then I'll click on a link in Yahoo sports, and get more runtimes errors, asking me if I want to debug. When I debug, it gets me nowhere. HELP!!!

Yahoo IE runtime error?download windows media player

click tools /Internet options / advance tab/ put a check mark in disable script debugging Internet explorer also check disable script debugging other. and make sure display a notification every script error is UNCHECKED click okay. If you need more help please repost.

Yahoo IE runtime error?internet explorer update internet explorer

Remove the Yahoo! Toolbar
Click this.
ok, sometimes it's a JAVA problem, go to and download the runtime, let's see if that work .
Open IE and open the following website,

Once opened it, Goto Favorites in the menu bar and click add to favourites and ad the website in favorites list. Once you added right click on the website which you have in favorites and goto Send To--%26gt; Desktop (Shortcut)

Where (ie. on the Internet) can I find Japanese movies for free and that can be viewed online?

I'd appreiate %26lt;if this is the correct spelling%26gt; any through answer

Where (ie. on the Internet) can I find Japanese movies for free and that can be viewed online?windows xp service

Try to search for Torrent anime, or Torrent Japanese. there are quite a few sites that store that... then of course, you need a torrent downloading client - unless you are already all set.

Torrent files work as pointer to private stored files, cannot be viewed on-line, you download them and store them in your drive.

You should find quite a lot.

Where (ie. on the Internet) can I find Japanese movies for free and that can be viewed online?microsoft xp internet explorer

Hmmm... The only thing I know are anime... (you know anime right?) go to this site.

there are anime series and movies there, the site even has anime soundtracks ^_^. The registration is free ^_^ has a asian movies/dramas/anime to view online. also let's you download dramas/movies for free.
Have a look on this site :

and click "online movies" under the site's name

Check it out

Windows IE 7.0 Question?

I have installed the windows 70 on an XP machine.

I don;t see a shortcut to start it nor do I see any way to turn it on any ideas?

Windows IE 7.0 Question?microsoft windows

Umm that should of replaced your old internet explorer!!!!

If it is not on your desktop then you will need to:

Right click the desktop

Select properties

Click customize desktop under the general tab

this will give you the option to Add internet, recycle bin, my documents and also network places.

Just add internet explorer

Click apply then Ok

Hope that helped

Windows IE 7.0 Question?windows media player 10 internet explorer

go 2 control panel n then Internet connection
Is it in the Quick Start Menu? If so, drag the icon on the desktop and you've got yourself a shortcut on your desktop.
try at the bottom left of you desktop and see if there is the IE icon it looks like a "e". if that doesn't work try clicking the start bottom and search in that menu

My ie browser keeps shutting off by itself?

it stays on longer if i minimize it for a long time

My ie browser keeps shutting off by itself?default browser

Use the two programs below to clean up and check for malware. That is the two most common causes. Are you getting any warning messages?

Remove temporary files, logs, cookies, etc. by using Ccleaner. Do not use "Advanced Settings" or the "Issues" button. Use only the default settings.

Install Super Antispyware free. Run it in safe mode. Allow it to quarantine whatever it finds.

My ie browser keeps shutting off by itself?microsoft word download internet explorer

Upgrade to Firefox and see how you go with that.

My IE crashes when I try to get to my mail page after switching to Yahoo Beta. How can I switch back

The switch back option doesn't appear unless you can get to the mail page, and I can't get there.

My IE crashes when I try to get to my mail page after switching to Yahoo Beta. How can I switch back?windows updates

Try to Switch back through the use of FireFox browser. Free easy download.

My IE crashes when I try to get to my mail page after switching to Yahoo Beta. How can I switch back?replacement windows internet explorer

Everything you need to know about switching back and forth (like I do frequently) is here on the bottom of this Yahoo Mail help page...

What ie mansuration?

mensuration in its literal meaning is to measure,,,

its generally used where geometrical figures are concerned,,

where one has to determine various physical quantities such as area,volume,length ...

measuring these quantities is called mensuration..

also it is used where quantities like speed,,velocity and acceleration etc are concerned

What ie mansuration?windows messenger

Menstruation is another word for a females period.

Menstruation is a phase of the menstrual cycle in which the uterine lining (endometrium) is shed.

What ie mansuration?microsoft works internet explorer

periodic mensus in grl which begins at 12yr and last in abt 45 yr, which is main issue for birth of kids.
women monthly period. by the way, how old are you?
mensuration is monthly period
still you are under aged to know that................ sorry......
Menstruation: The periodic blood that flows as a discharge from the uterus. Also called menorrhea, the time during which menstruation occurs is referred to as menses. The menses occurs at approximately 4 week intervals to compose the menstrual cycle.

My IE homepage has been hijacked by system doctor. Anyone familiar with this hijacker & how I ca

Recently downloaded IE7 %26amp; got burned, managed to get back to IE6, now my browser is hijacked %26amp; I'm told to get system doctor and/or some other crap if I want it back. Norton seems to be unable to tackle this. Please help !!!

My IE homepage has been hijacked by system doctor. Anyone familiar with this hijacker %26amp; how I can remove it?windows mobile 6

First of all, you did not get burned by IE7. You either had it on your computer before downloading IE 7 or aquired it after downloading IE 7. System Doctor is an adware program that claims you are infected with bogus infections and then wants you to purchase it to remove them. It is a useless program and will remove nothing but money from you account.

The way you aquired System Doctor is through a download of another program. Failing to read the EULA allowed the download. The EULA would have told you that an additional program would be added to the download. Neither Yahoo or Microsoft add adware to their downloads.

I empathise with you for not wanting to read those long, boring EULA's. I don't like reading them either. That is why I use a free program called EULAlyzer. It anlyzes the EULA and alerts you to key word(s) and phrases that could indicate additional download(s). For example, the words "Third Party" could indicate another program will be downloaded, so, it alerts you to every instance of it being used in the EULA. Then you examine these parts of the EULA. Usually this refers to you providing the program to others to use. You can get this program here:

Now to the Most Important Part, the removal of the infection. The following looks long and daunting. It is long but not daunting. If you follow it step by step you will have not problems doing it. The programs listed will remove this infection and any others you might have hiding in your computer. AdAware SE with the setup as listed is the best adware remover available. I don't think they have made these Answers page Printer Friendly yet, so, you can copy and paste it to a Word or Email and then print it.

Trojan Removal Procedure.

Removing infections from your computer is never as easy as aquiring them. Malware infections are not meant to be removed, so, it takes TIME and PATIENCE to get rid of them. ONLY RESORT TO A REFORMAT AFTER ALL ELSE FAILS TO REMOVE THE INFECTION.

This procedure works for all Malware. Replace the Ewido and AdAware SE programs with any AntiVirus or AntiSpy program you choose.

Download and Update Ewido (now called the AVG Antispyware). Do not run:

Download AdAware SE and update. Do the setup. Do not run:

AdAware SE Setup:

1. Select "use custom scanning options" then select "customize". Make sure the following options are enabled: "scan within archives," "scan active processes," "scan registry," "deep scan registry," "scan my IE favorites for banned URLs," "scan my Hosts file."

2. Select the "tweak" option. Under "scanning engine," make sure "unload recognized processes and modules during scan" is enabled. Enable "scan registry for all users instead of current users."

3. Under "cleaning engine" turn on "always try to unload modules鈥?" "during removal unload explorer and IE if necessary," "let windows remove files in use at next restart," and "delete quarantined items after restoring."

4. Use the "select drives and folders to scan" option to ensure that your entire hard drive is scanned (if you have more than one hard drive, scan all of them (of course, do not include floppy and CD/DVD).


1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2. Click Appearance and Themes, and then click Folder Options.

3. On the View tab, under Hidden files and folders, click "Show hidden files and folders", and clear(uncheck) the "Hide protected operating system files" check box.

IMPORTANT: Files are hidden by Windows for a very good reason. It is not wise to experiment with these files. Unfortunately, to successfully remove modern spyware we must turn this protection off temporarily. Please turn the protection back on when you have finished cleaning your system.


1. On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click Internet Options.

2. On the General tab, in the Temporary Internet Files section, click the Delete Files button. Select the Delete all offline content check box in the confirmation dialogue box that appears, click OK. Click OK again.


To do this you need to hold down or repeatedly tap the F8 key while the computer is booting (when the computer is displaying a black screen with white text). When the boot menu appears, use your keyboard arrows to select "Safe Mode."

Safe Mode can look quite ugly. The color may look bad, and all of your desktop icons will be very large. This is normal.


NOTE: Let AdAware complete its scan. Sometimes AdAware will be unable to remove everything that it finds and will prompt to be allowed to try again after restarting. If that happens, when the scan finishes restart immediately and allow the scan to finish.

When the scan and removal are completed REBOOT COMPUTER. This will restart you in normal mode. DON'T FORGET TO RESET HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS.


The RESTORE POINTS may be infected with the Malware and cannot be used.


1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2. Click Performance and Maintenance, click System, and then click on the System Restore tab.

3. Select the Turn Off System Restore check box, click Apply, then restart your computer.

4. Return to the System Restore Tab and turn System Restore back on.


1. Click the Start button.

2. Point to Programs, then navigate to Accessories, then System Tools, then click System Restore.

3. Choose Create a restore point, and then click Next.

4. In the Restore point description box, type a name for your restore point, and then click Next.

5. Click OK.

NOTE: If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) and are unable to access the Internet after removing Malware, there is a command that may fix the problem. It works by resetting the winsock catalogue. Click on Start, then Run and type CMD in the box. Click OK. Type "netsh winsock reset" (no quotes)into the DOS window that appears.


There are Trojans that fall into the Smitfraud family. These require the use of a specialized program for removal. Here are two sites that specialize in removing these:

My IE homepage has been hijacked by system doctor. Anyone familiar with this hijacker %26amp; how I can remove it?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

spybot - Search %26amp; Destroy detects and removes spyware, a relatively new kind of threat not yet covered by common anti-virus applications. Spyware silently tracks your surfing behaviour to create a marketing profile for you that is transmitted without your knowledge to the compilers and sold to advertising companies. If you see new toolbars in your Internet Explorer that you haven't intentionally installed, if your browser crashes inexplicably, or if your home page has been "hijacked" (or changed without your knowledge), your computer is most probably infected with spyware. Even if you don't see the symptoms, your computer may be infected, because more and more spyware is emerging. Spybot-S%26amp;D is free, so there's no harm giving it a try to see if something has invaded your computer.

After you download it, update it
a-squared . spybot . spyware doctor . antispyware blocker. avg antivirus. Aaware . trojan hunter all them will remove .spyware. trojans from ur pc . you have to scan pc in safemode with out any internet on
Try Adaware

It usually helps
Yeah, It's adware.

Once you get rid of it, get rid of IE too and never use it again.

sWitch to Firefox from mozilla
IE7 has only been out for a week or so and is already 100% unpatched.;perio...

After you finish fixing your problem use firefox

Firefox has a history of being more secure than Insecure Explorer

My IE toolbar has disappeared, how do I restore it?

Right -click in the "grey" area anywhere at the top of an open IE should bring up a checklist of installed toolbars

Make sure "standard buttons and address bar" are checked

My IE toolbar has disappeared, how do I restore it?windows nt

1) Click the "view" tab at the top of screen

2) select "toolbars"

3) select which functions you want "address bar", "standard buttons" and "links".

My IE homepage setting buttons are looks disabled. How can I enable it?

I'm pretty sure this is done automatically when you install Microsoft AntiSpyware tool, but I can't figure out how to turn it off (:-().

If you have Microsoft AntiSpyware installed, go to the Advanced Tools section to change your home page.

My IE homepage setting buttons are looks disabled. How can I enable it?windows xp professional

Spybot has a setting in (Advanced Mode) Tools -%26gt; IE tweaks :

"Lock IE start page against user changes (current user)"

As soon as you check the box, the buttons in IE-%26gt;Tools-%26gt;Options are grayed out.

Of course it could be some other anti-spy (like MS)

The IE 7 Beta 3 refuses to uninstall. I tried different methods. What else can I do?

Admit that you fell prey to their evil plan and upgrade to the full release copy of IE7 to lower the number of abnormal program terminations and security holes in the version you have. Install Mozilla, Netscape, Opera or another competing browser and use it instead...

The IE 7 Beta 3 refuses to uninstall. I tried different methods. What else can I do?microsoft office 2007

Have u tried uninstalling from the start menu- programs? I tried deleting something from the desktop but it wouldn't allow me to. Other than that download tuneup utilities and u can delete unwanted programmes from that by going into the programme.

Good luck

The IE 7 Beta 3 refuses to uninstall. I tried different methods. What else can I do?windows media internet explorer

Did you try installing the final release of IE7 it suppose to remove previous versions of IE7
A microsoft virus wont leave so easily...try suicide bombing your operating system.

In other words...reinstall...

Or maybe there are other ways.
Internet Explorer 7 you mean? I believe if you have a program installed on a PC and you have tried to uninstall it, it sometimes leaves some files on your PC and it has something to do with the computer registry. Did you remember any point on the uninstallation that it asked you something like this "There are some programs that are being used by other softwarek, do u wish to remove them?" IF you clicked no then it might be left on your PC still and its the content that is uninstalling and your PC still detects the IE as a program still installed on your PC.
system restore


start%26gt;all programs%26gt;accessories%26gt;system tools%26gt;system restore
You should be able to do a system restore. Go to programs%26gt;accessaries%26gt;system tools%26gt;system restore. Then restore your computer to a date before that of which you installed 7. This may or may not work.

Do this:

Start?Control Panel?Add/Remove Programs?Click on the program (windows internet explorer 7)?Click remove.

This will remove the complete program.
I tested all IE7 beta programs. And you have to download their final version IE7, an it will uninstall the program. The behavior is very strange because Microsoft will check to make sure that your platform has a valid key atleast four times with their "WGA" tool while uninstalling the beta version.

Then Microsoft will tell you that you must reboot your system, before the wizard will guide you through the new IE7. Plus Microsoft will also tell you that you monitor will be blank. (No icons or program will appear on boot-up. Only the wizard to guide you through the installation of IE7.

After the installation all of your icons and programs will appear on your screen. Plus the process is slow and you get the feeling that you will never see your programs in your system load as they claim.

All I can say is that everything went well for me. Althought I had some reservations, due to how slow the program installed.

Clinical Psychiatrist, France

Excuse my english
Isn't it amusing how people are always quick to jump to all the worst conclusions??

*Download the official "final release.

*Uninstall the version you have installed.

*Install the new IE7

Easy - problem solved :)

The reason you couldn't simply install beta3 over the top was that this option was not enabled in ANY of the beta/developer builds for more accurate testing in beta builds - was the best way of avoiding problems %26amp; inaccurate feedback caused by upgrade conflicts...was deliberate not an error
if it refuses to uninstall then i guess you will just have to suffer.
Just install the official release of IE7. That will remove the Beta version.
I installed IE7 a couple of days ago and couldn't get online with it, so i just did a system restore, now everything is ok again.

Comcast IE 7?

does anyone have comcast?..If so where is the refresh button on internet explorer 7? friend uses comcast, she is in Indiana and I am in Texas

Comcast IE 7?microsoft flight simulator

The Refresh button has two little green arrows on it -- one arrow is going up and one arrow is going down. The button is located at the top of the screen, just to the right of the Address Bar. You can also press the F5 key to refresh.

My IE explorer crashes when opening new window through hyperlink....what can i do?

you might have spyware or junk files. Please do the following:

1. Download and install CCleaner from

Run all scans and clean.

2. Download Ewido, , install, open program, check for updates, restart computer, press F8 before windows logo appears, select safe mode, open Ewido, run full system scan. let Ewido delete all it finds.


3. Also download Windows Defender Beta from . Install and do a full scan and restore internet explorer settings


4. If the two above do not work to rid of the problem:

Download and Install HiJackThis.

Copy and paste your log to:


Look for NASTIES and delete from HiJackThis

My IE explorer crashes when opening new window through hyperlink....what can i do?windows xp pro

get firefox!!!

What ie red lighting? my kids who are adults have seen some.?

last couple of storms my kids called and said they seen lighting which looked red. they only live a couple of blocks from me.

What ie red lighting? my kids who are adults have seen some.?microsoft office 2007

Lighting as we know is an electrical discharge of electricity that is released and flows towards the Earth, but it is negative energy. Red lightning, usually the positivle electrical force, goes from the Earth, back up to the sky. Your question suprised me, because usually its too fast to be seen with the naked eye and you usually need a advanced caption camera to caprute it in action

What ie red lighting? my kids who are adults have seen some.?windows media internet explorer

never heard of it..?
Its true...the other day our sky was became dark then all the sudden it was a light everything was glowing with red on it...scary...
The after image of a bright flash is red. They may have see such bright lightning that they got a very strong after image or a perceived coloring of the bolts that came after the first.

Whats ie difference between variables and parameters?

please help

Whats ie difference between variables and parameters?microsoft net framework

Variables take on different values while parameters are constants (i.e., numbers that don't change). For example, a simple model of supply and demand might be writte:

Qd=a-bP and Qs=c+dP

The variables in this model are the quantities demanded and supplied (Qd and Qs) and the price of the good (P). The parameters in the model are the constants (a, b, c, and d).

Whats ie difference between variables and parameters?windows xp themes internet explorer

A parameter is a known constraint, whereas a variable is an unknown.
a variable represents the level of a particular population. In the mutualism section, there are two variables, x and y, which represent the two species that are helping each ot her. When we write x' or dx/dt we mean the rate of change of population x.

A parameter, on the other hand, determines how much of an effect a particular phenomenon has on the populations.
A variable is something that can be changed resulting in a different result or outcome.

A parameter is the limit to which you wish something to happen, or how you expect something to happen. Like a tolerance of + or -
Personally, I think it depends on the context. If you are talking about a statistical model, say a linear regression, I would say that model 'variables' or model parameters' are the same.

If you are looking at a simulation of some sort I think they can be different. For example, I do a lot of modeling and simulation of decision trees. The simulation will use many variables such as outcome (or path) probabilities and cost variables. To do uncertainty analysis I can actually define each variable (whether it is a path probability, cost, or whatever) by a probability distribution. Now, these distributions are based on unique parameters (e.g. a normal distribution is based on the mean and standard deviation). In this case I would consider model variables and model parameters to be different. But in my work I find it very common for people to use 'variable' and 'parameter' interchangeably no matter what the context.

Using IE how do I totally remove photos that I have downloaded?

I have used internest explorer and downloaded photos

that people have sent by email. Using Mozilla there is

a download box that lists all my downloads and an easy

way to get rid of them. How do I find and delete all photos

(or any other download for that matter) that I have downloaded

while using internet explorer

Using IE how do I totally remove photos that I have downloaded?opera browser

Well you answer your own question... Use Firefox.. :)

but Tools-%26gt; Options should contain some sort of Clear Data.. Clear Downloaded Files... Clear Cache.. Clear History.. Delete Tempory Files....

jsut clean all that and the links should disapear.

Using IE how do I totally remove photos that I have downloaded?microsoft windows internet explorer

Photo sharing made easy.

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Hi there , just wondering if anyone knows where to get the best online coupon for a dell xps m1530.

many thanks Dell Ireland coupons?windows xp service

Check this out.

In IE Exp. 7, I have lost the bar at the top of my screen with Tools, Favourites etc. How do I get i

press the F11 key.

In IE Exp. 7, I have lost the bar at the top of my screen with Tools, Favourites etc. How do I get it back?microsoft outlook

Right Click and do or check something there.

In IE Exp. 7, I have lost the bar at the top of my screen with Tools, Favourites etc. How do I get it back?windows messenger internet explorer

Right click on the gray area at the top, and click on the tool bars you want
go to view. toolbars. then click on menu bar or in some ie7s it is called classic menu.

Paranormal ie. freaky things that go on in the world...........?

does anyone know of a good website that has some interesting stuff about paranormal activity. I love reading about this, espc with personal stories and photo's

Paranormal ie. freaky things that go on in the world...........?windows explorer

Try a Google search on the paranormal...

But best thing is ask ur local Parish to guide you

what Kinda paranormal stuff u like,

Extra terrestrials?.... Astryl Travel..... telepathy?

UFOs?........Ghosts......Demons.......... and vampires.......or just plain phsycic phenomenon,

IM me and I am urs for a chat on the subject anytime

Paranormal ie. freaky things that go on in the world...........?microsoft zune internet explorer

Go to and do a search on paranormal, parapsychology, etc.

You'll get tons (or tonnes) of hits.
I have had several encounters. One was at a hotel in Vancouver, Canada in July 2006. We were at a sci fi convention and many weird things were happening to people in one area of the hotel: a maid's vacuum caught on fire, one lady was thrown across her bed--in front of 3 friends, lights were doing weird stuff, the fire alarm went off, etc. The last day of the conference, at the closing party, I had taken a few photos with a digital camera and when we went up to the room to download them to the laptop, I noticed an aura around and across the guest of honor's head. We enlarged the area and there were 2 faces superimposed over his face. 2 not so nice faces. We made copies and took them back downstairs to the party.
Best place! The Shadow Lands! They're fun. *Snicker.*

My ie tool bar wont let me see the address line . looked in help no luck?

its like something changed the tool bar customize

My ie tool bar wont let me see the address line . looked in help no luck?microsoft access

you have removed "address bar" from the toolbar

go back and check it again.

My ie tool bar wont let me see the address line . looked in help no luck?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

Go to toolbar and do a "right click"

You can fix it there...
View--%26gt;Toolbar-Address Bar check it .

if it is checked then try to undock some toolbars.
jus goto view-%26gt; toolbars -%26gt; then select address bar


jus right click on the above toolbar and select address bar
dang. every one else already said



check Address bar

Oh well. at least I get 2 points.

In IE 7.0 changing zoom level to 50% would fail while using Yahoo Mail Beta.?

In Internet Explorer 7.0 reducing zoom level to less than 100% fails if we are using Yahoo mail Beta or MSN live Beta. Though this should be taken care by Microsoft but this can be taken care of at individual site level (say Yahoo or MSN) to prevent such problems in zooming at browser level.

In IE 7.0 changing zoom level to 50% would fail while using Yahoo Mail Beta.?

yahoo mail beta = sucks ! older version works just fine . tried it 3 - 4 times .

Strabismus (ie... lazy eye)?

Has anyone had a surgery for severe strabismus that was successful? I have had 2 surgeries and my last one made my eye worse! I'm terribly insecure about my eye, but obviously can't hide it........ I'm thinking about another surgery to try to fix it but the last one was a 10,000 surgery and did nothing.

Anyone have a success story??

Strabismus (ie... lazy eye)?microsoft internet explorer

My friend's little girl had a serious lazy eye to the point where her iris would just disappear sometimes.

My son has a mild one, and I was told that such a mild one may not indicate surgery because very often the surgery doesn't get the eye to be just right the first time around. As you must know, it can be tricky for them to make the perfect adjustment (or whatever they do) so that the eye won't "get lazy in the other direction".

My girlfriend's little girl had a successful surgery after holding off for a while.

There are success stories, but the other side to that is you shouldn't feel self-conscious. People know about lazy eyes, and sometimes they kind of give someone a little "character" or are even kind of cute.

If you decide to have surgery, though, you may want to look into the most expert facility for that type of surgery and find a doctor affiliated with that facility. Maybe your severe case is a little more than the "run-of-the-mill" doctor can handle.

Strabismus (ie... lazy eye)?microsoft downloads internet explorer

I don't have a particular answer to your question, but strabismus is not the same thing as (lazy eye) amblyopia. a web site for festival in Miltown Malbay In Co.Clare?

The Willie Clancy traditional music and dance Summer School will be held in Miltown Malbay from the 7th July - 15th July 2007 see website below.

On IE the phishing filter at bottom right has an X in the box saying the service is not working, is

even if it does..its just crap... doesnt filter any damn thing but just disturbs u by saying this is turned on that is turned off and all such crap...

get firefox

On IE the phishing filter at bottom right has an X in the box saying the service is not working, is yours?windows update

its not working because IE is junk, get mozilla firefox.

On IE the phishing filter at bottom right has an X in the box saying the service is not working, is yours?microsoft excel internet explorer

i use mozilla firfox, you should try ie 7 if youre into that.

Clearing ie history?

i need to know how to clear my internet explorer history. i have done tools%26gt;internet options and then pressed clear history delete cookies and delete files. that all works except these random websites obviously aren't cleared. say i went to then if i type in a web address that begins with a y the yahoo url would still show up in the drop down menu. a few urls will not delete with my previous method no matter what. does anyone know how to get rid of them?

Clearing ie history?windows 98

Click on Tools tab then Internet Options and click Clear History

Clearing ie history?microsoft support internet explorer

you have to clear search history bby
Click the history button on the top of you browser (this screen) a side menu should come up......pick the date or site that you want to delete and right click delete...

Windows IE Pop Up Problem - Thumb Image, Window Closes?

Hi I have been having problems with pop up windows. Example: I go to tmobile site, log into account. Try to log into another page within tmobile, (Caller Tunes) and I click on the link in the tmobile site, another pop up window loads, but very small sized - then a thumbs down icon flashes and the pop up window closes. I have tried loading / clicking with pop ups turned off and on and it does not work. Not just with tombile, but a lot of sites won't let me load another pop up page from within their page. Any suggestions? Thank you!

Windows IE Pop Up Problem - Thumb Image, Window Closes?windows mail

go to

and download free popup blocker

IN IE& I can't find the tool bar that allows me to change text size. Could someone steer me

Up at the top go to view/ textsize.

IN IE%26amp; I can't find the tool bar that allows me to change text size. Could someone steer me in the right direcmicrosoft updates

it is usually under browser options and appearance tab

IN IE%26amp; I can't find the tool bar that allows me to change text size. Could someone steer me in the right direcwindows server 2003 internet explorer

go to yahoo help and ask them

My ie hangs on startup... how do fix it?

You could uninstall it and re-download it. It's free.

My ie hangs on startup... how do fix it?windows vista

get a faster computer

My ie hangs on startup... how do fix it?windows defender internet explorer

Have you upgraded to IE7? If not do so.

If you have, you might try uninstalling it an re-installing it. Unfortunately I don't think you can do a repair like you used to.
ie is always **** and slow. get firefox

My ie hangs on startup... how do fix it?

You could uninstall it and re-download it. It's free.

My ie hangs on startup... how do fix it?windows vista

get a faster computer

My ie hangs on startup... how do fix it?windows defender internet explorer

Have you upgraded to IE7? If not do so.

If you have, you might try uninstalling it an re-installing it. Unfortunately I don't think you can do a repair like you used to.
ie is always **** and slow. get firefox

In IE Internet options, I am unable to clear forms. Program will not respond?

I do know how to clear forms and have done so on many occasions. I have no problems deleting cookies, files, and clearing history. For some reason it will not let me clear forms. I have already run Ad-Aware, Spybot, and a virus scan. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

In IE Internet options, I am unable to clear forms. Program will not respond?microsoft

Go to the options of your Internet Explorer, you can delete all forms there...Or download the free CCleaner, the CCleaner is doing the job for you as well.

The free download is at

I have just read your upgrade: You also should go to the options of your Internet Explorer (or of Firefox); there is an option where you can delete/clear all forms...I don't know how it's named in English, because I use the IE 7 and Firefox in German language.

Greetings from Germany!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Does ie come with my computer ? Or does it come with yahoo when you dowload it.?

Yes, most computers come with ie. some may come with firefox or netscape. Make sure your ie is ie7. ie7 is the latest version

Does ie come with my computer ? Or does it come with yahoo when you dowload it.?windows explorer

IE comes with Windows. So if you use a windows operating system, then yes, it will have IE.

Does ie come with my computer ? Or does it come with yahoo when you dowload it.?microsoft zune internet explorer

Internet Exploder is an INTEGRAL part of M$ WindBlows.

You are stuck with it when you buy Windblows with your PC, you need it when you do any security downloads ( you DO use Windows Update? ) or to communicate with many websites.

I use FIREFOX all the time and Exploder only when I must.

Firefox works EVERYWHERE. IE doesn't unless you emulate M$...

My IE freezes when I try to open pages, can anyone tip me on how to put it right?

try this on microsoft it helped me when my ie was playing up.

My IE freezes when I try to open pages, can anyone tip me on how to put it right?ie tab

sounds like a reinstall

delete in add remove prgrams 1st

My IE freezes when I try to open pages, can anyone tip me on how to put it right?windows mobile internet explorer

Run antivirus and antispyware scans.

Also any online help for your browser.
Stop using IE and go to firefox. :) Problems fixed!!
There are sevral bugs in IE that could cause this. Thats the reasion why I switched to firefox and apart from being faster and safer it has never frozen on me.
Download MozillaFireFox it's free and way,way faster than IE with no error messages no trouble and very good protection (firewall) you can have the two of them at the same time.

Go for it . If you don't like it just uninstall it.

*quote* sounds like a reinstall

delete in add remove prgrams 1st

You cannot uninstall Internet explorer unless it is IE7 if it is IE6 then it is part of the operating system and uninstalling it will make you operating system unstable. Try cleaning out the temp files and really I wouldn't use it as it is so slow compared to Firefox Mozilla, and the add ons and other feature's with it are far superior to IE any day.

Zune IE Plugin for Youtube (Zuneit)?

I am having the problem shown above ^

Every time i click "zuneit" a message says "Failed to download the video"

Zune IE Plugin for Youtube (Zuneit)?windows server 2003

Me too, but all I can find is version 1.0 released last year. Youtube changes the video headers quite often to keep people (like us) from getting copies.

Installing IE 7 Beta; Error starting cryptographic service. Hows this could be solved?

Instaling IE7 in Xp ServicePack2 system.I get error cryptograpic service is stopped.It dn't starts manually also. %26gt;%26gt;Says error 998: Invalid access to memory.

Ty In Advance :)

Installing IE 7 Beta; Error starting cryptographic service. Hows this could be solved?microsoft powerpoint

You must edit the catroot2 folder from the registry! Somebody has changed it, or IE7 didn't recognize it accordingly (probab it's the first beta stage...). Please the ifnormation below to fix this problem...

Installing IE 7 Beta; Error starting cryptographic service. Hows this could be solved?windows xp sp2 internet explorer

? Here are hundreds of Discussion Groups for Microsoft products such as Internet Explorer, Outlook, Outlook Express and the list goes on and on. There is even a discussion group for the new Internet Explorer 7 beta.


Mozilla/IE closes because of illegal actions?

here's the situation:

I've been playing a game on in which the games are run on Shockwave. after a very few minutes of game play, the browser closes and then pops out if i report this or not. IT says: it closed down because it kinds of breaches my IP, and i know it is safe.

How do i keep this from going on? i have tried allowing all cookies, adding it to exceptions on firewall.

P.S. the game saves using cookies so it uses IP and whenever i login i don't need any password, ji just have to use the same computer.

Mozilla/IE closes because of illegal actions?internet browser

try to uninstall flash from control pannel then reinstal by going to youtube and watching a movie

Mozilla/IE closes because of illegal actions?windows media center internet explorer

Could be some kind of weird spyware/virus. Do a scan.

(ad-aware, spybot, etc)

Also you could try upgrading your version of Flash/Shockwave.

You could also try updating Firefox or IE (go to or
1st stop playing such a dumb game.

2nd you should use internet explorer to play this game because shockwave games don't work well with Mozilla.

3rd stop playing such a dumb game

My ie quit working while in offline mode. I used to see all pages in history, but not anymore... ple

Yea, use firefox. This will solve most of your problems!

My ie quit working while in offline mode. I used to see all pages in history, but not anymore... please help?internet explorer 6

It's possible that you Internet Explorer cache got deleted, purged, and/or truncated. When you navigate to a Website/Webpage your browser downloads the information of the page, the media, and the cookies into a folder called "Temporary Internet Files". When you navigate away typiclly Internet Explorer will keep the files in that folder so that if you go back to that Website/Webpage then you will have all files ready at hand to render the page (this aviods redownloading all the things to a webpage/website). This folder typiclly has a size limit and will automaticlly delete things to make room for new things. You may also purge the folder manually Tools%26gt;Internet Options%26gt;General Tab%26gt;Temporary Internet Files Frame%26gt;Delete Files. Play around with you could learn alot.

I really wouldn't suggest using Internet Explorer as a offline browser. There are many third party applications that could fit the suit alot better. Do a search, pick one you like.

Get started here.

My ie quit working while in offline mode. I used to see all pages in history, but not anymore... please help?windows live internet explorer

try firefox.. its much sleek and secure and faster web browser than Internet Explorer

You can download Firefox at

My IE browser failed to bring up Jess Alba pics, Firefox came through, I'm a convert, have u tr

Pretty much anybody who knows alot about computers uses it; the regular consumer doesn't use it because they don't know it's capabilities; they don't know it was rated THE # 1 PROGRAM according to PC Magazine's top 100 software products; they don't know it's absolutely free; they don't know it is not as easily vulnerable like IE; meaning it protects you from virus's; they don't know how many extensions you can download to COMPLETELY customize firefox to your exact liking; they don't know that instead of having 10 different stupid windows, you can have just 1 window open in firefox and be at like 5 sites at the same time inside one browser. Alot of people just don't know, and are not informed.

I know me personally, when I first heard about firefox I was at, and everybody is ranting about it, so I naturally thought it was some stupid mario-themed browser, but I began to hear more and more about it as time went on, then I tried it, and trust me once you have it, you never go back to stupid IE.

My IE browser failed to bring up Jess Alba pics, Firefox came through, I'm a convert, have u tried Firefox yetinternet explorer 7

Yes IE Sucks....

My IE browser failed to bring up Jess Alba pics, Firefox came through, I'm a convert, have u tried Firefox yetmicrosoft word internet explorer

Not yet.
i use both if one doesn't work the other one usually will
I use Firefox 99.99% of the time. I only use IE to check work email.
all i use is firefox it is the best!!!

Re: IE 7 problem, NAYR replied that if you were not satisfied with 7 you can rollback to 6. How?

i had to uninstall 6 to get the 7 .went back to MS to 6 and did the same .had too reget all the updates tool bars i use and prefs .

it worked !

Re: IE 7 problem, NAYR replied that if you were not satisfied with 7 you can rollback to 6. How?internet explorer

go in the control panel click on .add/remove

tick the box at the top

show updates

look down the list for (IE) 7 click on it ,click remove

On ie 7 when you get on always goes to web site run once even though home page is set to yahoo?

It's not adware; it's a setup page for IE7. You likely didn't complete the setup, or the settings didn't take for some reason.

This is quoted from another answerer (sourced below):

"Runonce is NOT spyware, adware or a virus. This is the default first run page you'll see when you upgrade to Internet Explorer 7. There are a several different options you can configure on this page. The only thing you HAVE to select is the first one about your search provider. Everything else on the page is up to you. Once you've decided on your search provider (which tells IE which engine to use when you use the search bar on the top right), configure any other options you want and click on "Save Settings", which is a link on the top left of the page or a button at the bottom. From there on out, you'll go to your home page when you open IE."

Try the above. If you still have a problem, it could be that an AV or AS program on your computer is preventing the settings from updating. You could also go to the following site, scroll to the bottom and follow the directions for solving the issue:

On ie 7 when you get on always goes to web site run once even though home page is set to yahoo?ie 6

It sounds like you have adware. I would suggest updating and running a good adware program. There are a few good free ones out there, but be careful, there are some programs claiming to be adware removers that you download, and it comes up with all the adware you have, doesn't let you delete it unless you pay for the subscription, it is really nasty to get rid of. So make sure you do some searching on the program before you download it. Learn from others mistakes.

On ie 7 when you get on always goes to web site run once even though home page is set to yahoo?windows vista internet explorer

I'm going to agree with Daniel if you go to and download adware SE then you should get rid of the problem

Re: IE 7 problem, NAYR replied that if you were not satisfied with 7 you can rollback to 6. How?

i had to uninstall 6 to get the 7 .went back to MS to 6 and did the same .had too reget all the updates tool bars i use and prefs .

it worked !

Re: IE 7 problem, NAYR replied that if you were not satisfied with 7 you can rollback to 6. How?internet explorer

go in the control panel click on .add/remove

tick the box at the top

show updates

look down the list for (IE) 7 click on it ,click remove

On ie 7 when you get on always goes to web site run once even though home page is set to yahoo?

It's not adware; it's a setup page for IE7. You likely didn't complete the setup, or the settings didn't take for some reason.

This is quoted from another answerer (sourced below):

"Runonce is NOT spyware, adware or a virus. This is the default first run page you'll see when you upgrade to Internet Explorer 7. There are a several different options you can configure on this page. The only thing you HAVE to select is the first one about your search provider. Everything else on the page is up to you. Once you've decided on your search provider (which tells IE which engine to use when you use the search bar on the top right), configure any other options you want and click on "Save Settings", which is a link on the top left of the page or a button at the bottom. From there on out, you'll go to your home page when you open IE."

Try the above. If you still have a problem, it could be that an AV or AS program on your computer is preventing the settings from updating. You could also go to the following site, scroll to the bottom and follow the directions for solving the issue:

On ie 7 when you get on always goes to web site run once even though home page is set to yahoo?ie 6

It sounds like you have adware. I would suggest updating and running a good adware program. There are a few good free ones out there, but be careful, there are some programs claiming to be adware removers that you download, and it comes up with all the adware you have, doesn't let you delete it unless you pay for the subscription, it is really nasty to get rid of. So make sure you do some searching on the program before you download it. Learn from others mistakes.

On ie 7 when you get on always goes to web site run once even though home page is set to yahoo?windows vista internet explorer

I'm going to agree with Daniel if you go to and download adware SE then you should get rid of the problem

Wats wrong with IE can't load the page n it 'freezes' IE. I got no probs l

I dont know the answer, but its been happening to me as well. Anyone?

Wats wrong with IE can't load the page n it 'freezes' IE. I got no probs loading other 7

Easy answer: download Firefox

Wats wrong with IE can't load the page n it 'freezes' IE. I got no probs loading other websites.ireland internet explorer

I've been lazy all day and on yahoo, and had no problems. LOL My guess is that it's not yahoo, its IE, even though it loads other stuff. IE was voted one of the worst programs, it's crap. Use Firefox. It's a free browser. Google it and download it.
ok i love my firefox us it all the time go to control panel click on internet options go to advanced and click on reset i been there before with explorer

How can i return from IE 7 to IE 6?

Uninstall IE7. Look in Control Panel and launch Add/Remove Programs.

How can i return from IE 7 to IE 6?ie

goto control panel--%26gt; add and remove programs and uninstall IE 7

How can i return from IE 7 to IE 6?microsoft internet explorer

just go to control panel and hit add and remove then remove the ie 7 and it will return back to 6
Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add or Remove programs. Windows Internet Explorer 7, remove. Since IE cannot be totally removed, it will revert to the last version you had.
1) go to

2) download set up for ie6

3) uninstal ie7

4) install ie6

but why would you do that? Nevermind, now you know how.
Go to (Or any other leading search engine such as

type in:"Downlaod IE6" when you download it and install it will automatically take over IE7.
Uninstall 7 usally 6 will come back. If not here a link for 6. You might want to make sure you have a Web Browser besides IE7 to download it...
a better browser to use is mozilla firefox
hello dear

1.restore your PC to the time that your IE was 6

2. GO TO CONTROL PANEL Add/Remove then windows component tab now pick up the tick near the IE then press next in the next time insert IE 6 Cd in your CD drive then tick the IE in the above window .

Good luck

I can't upgrade from IE 6 to IE 7?

my computer is not allowing me 2 download Internet Explorer 7. What 2 do?

I can't upgrade from IE 6 to IE 7?

Go with Firefox. Blows IE out of the water. :]

I can't upgrade from IE 6 to IE 7?uninstall internet explorer internet explorer

You wouldn't want to anyways, as IE 7 is full of bugs, I still use IE 6.
try firefox, it is way better than IE7
It depends on what your OS (operating system) is and how much memory you have. I highly recommend using Firefox instead of IE.
It won't install if the license is not valid or if you don't have XP service pack 2 or newer. Like everyone said Firefox is better choice.
well if u have a pirate copy of windows XP (not original),u probably wont be able to to get windows media player 11 and internet explorer 7 so download this link(i havent open it so there might be a chance it infect ur pc if u are not using any anti-virus) but i think it's OK:) then follow the instruction

then u will have original copy of XP and never install windows geniue advantage which comes with windows XP update pack


Advice on renting house {property} ie. furnished or unfurnished, and the legal side. ie.tennants rig

best way to advertise, and does bonds and refs make a difference

Advice on renting house {property} ie. furnished or unfurnished, and the legal side. ie.tennants rights?download windows media player

The best advice I can give you is to make sure your lease spells everything out clearly. Include the amount of rent, when it's due, if there is a late fee, if pets are allowed, any rules you have, if the lease can be broken by giving 30 days notice, if they lose the security deposit if they move before the end of the lease, etc. Also, include an appendix page that lists everything that is in the house when the tenant moves in. If you are renting it furnished then list all of the furniture, list things like refrigerator, stove, smoke detectors, etc. You want everything in writing in case you have to take a tenant to court. I don't know where you live but consider renting through HUD. My mom has several properties and she likes renting through HUD because the rent gets direct deposited into her checking account. She doesn't have to wait for a tenant to pay or go collect rent. Sometimes HUD will only pay part though and you do have to get the rest from the tenant. Personal references aren't always reliable because the tenant is going to put people that they know will give them a good reference. Your best bet is to talk to their previous landlord. You can find out what kind of tenant they were that way.

Advice on renting house {property} ie. furnished or unfurnished, and the legal side. ie.tennants rights?internet explorer update internet explorer

If furnished, only with cheap/old furniture: it will not be in good condition after 5 or 10 years.

A contract tends to give you more rights than the tenants. Not using contracts is simpler and cheaper though; and if your tenants are trustworthy (eg female PhD students) probably worth any risk. The major situation to avoid is that where you're stuck with a problem tenant and can't kick him or her out. I think a contract will help you out there, e.g. by ensuring you can get rid of any tenants within the "notice period" - this is often about one month. You tell him he's out, and within a month he has to be. If you don't have a contract, perhaps he has no rights at all - not even that month.

Using IE 7, under Tools-Internet Options-Programs-email I would like to have Yahoo Mail as an option

It shows up as an option on my IE 7. Maybe you have to load the Yahoo Toolbar first.

So how do you get IE 6 if you have IE 7?

So how do you.If you know please tell me?

So how do you get IE 6 if you have IE 7?microsoft word download

Go to

go to downloads

search for IE6

Download and install.

Hope this helps!

So how do you get IE 6 if you have IE 7?internet explorer download internet explorer

I'm not sure about IE 6, but you can get IE 5.5 SP2 at the following link:

Just make sure you completely uninstall IE 7 before installing the older version, or it will default to the newer version.

What's your most original (ie not in media much) & plausible (ie you believe it a bit) cons

I think Marylin Monroe was killed by the government.

And I think that the stuff with Gasoline prices is a comspiracy. Every year they say "omg! gas prices are going to be up around $7 a gallon soon!!" That way people aren't as pissed when gas costs like $3.50 a gallon, because they're just happy its not $7. The government does it to gain support. If people get angry about gas prices, they'll be angry that the government is letting the gas prices get so high, so the government tricks them into believing that gas is really not that expensive.

What's your most original (ie not in media much) %26amp; plausible (ie you believe it a bit) conspiracy theory?microsoft word 2003

that my mum still smokes

What's your most original (ie not in media much) %26amp; plausible (ie you believe it a bit) conspiracy theory?internet explorer 6 internet explorer

That the media is covering up the fact the santa is still real.

Santa is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That Marilyn Monroe didn't kill herself. I think she was a part of a murder-for-hire. Somebody didn't like her, so they killed her by injecting something into her, or, fed her arsenic. They could have injected her in the scalp, or underneath a fingernail, somewhere where it would be hard to find the cause of death. And back then, they didn't really have the forensic stuff they have now, so It made it easier.
That the Protocols of Zion, which people say shows the Jewish Zionists are trying to run the World. Is actually a conspiracy by a group called Sion. Who are descended from the Tribe of Benjamin, and feel they are the rightful rulers of Jerusalem.

I wonder if the Priory of Sion, that says Christ had children, is based on lies perpetrated by the Sion group. To discredit investigation into their organization, and Jesus Christ at the same time?
The reason why flu shots are given around Christmas time. It's because they encourage our brain to want to shop excessively during the holiday season. It's ingenious!

(lol..not mine though...I got it from Mr. X)
All are nonsense, I believe none.
Gordon Brown actually thinks he is good for the country!
That real democracy is a dream!
End of the world is coming and Bill Gates is behind it?
that the u.s is systematically bombing the crap outta the middle east because they believe that once global warmin kicks in its gonna be the most inhabitable place on earth!

i dont really believe it at all thou.

What's your most original (ie not in media much) & plausible (ie you believe it a bit) cons

I think Marylin Monroe was killed by the government.

And I think that the stuff with Gasoline prices is a comspiracy. Every year they say "omg! gas prices are going to be up around $7 a gallon soon!!" That way people aren't as pissed when gas costs like $3.50 a gallon, because they're just happy its not $7. The government does it to gain support. If people get angry about gas prices, they'll be angry that the government is letting the gas prices get so high, so the government tricks them into believing that gas is really not that expensive.

What's your most original (ie not in media much) %26amp; plausible (ie you believe it a bit) conspiracy theory?microsoft word 2003

that my mum still smokes

What's your most original (ie not in media much) %26amp; plausible (ie you believe it a bit) conspiracy theory?internet explorer 6 internet explorer

That the media is covering up the fact the santa is still real.

Santa is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That Marilyn Monroe didn't kill herself. I think she was a part of a murder-for-hire. Somebody didn't like her, so they killed her by injecting something into her, or, fed her arsenic. They could have injected her in the scalp, or underneath a fingernail, somewhere where it would be hard to find the cause of death. And back then, they didn't really have the forensic stuff they have now, so It made it easier.
That the Protocols of Zion, which people say shows the Jewish Zionists are trying to run the World. Is actually a conspiracy by a group called Sion. Who are descended from the Tribe of Benjamin, and feel they are the rightful rulers of Jerusalem.

I wonder if the Priory of Sion, that says Christ had children, is based on lies perpetrated by the Sion group. To discredit investigation into their organization, and Jesus Christ at the same time?
The reason why flu shots are given around Christmas time. It's because they encourage our brain to want to shop excessively during the holiday season. It's ingenious!

(lol..not mine though...I got it from Mr. X)
All are nonsense, I believe none.
Gordon Brown actually thinks he is good for the country!
That real democracy is a dream!
End of the world is coming and Bill Gates is behind it?
that the u.s is systematically bombing the crap outta the middle east because they believe that once global warmin kicks in its gonna be the most inhabitable place on earth!

i dont really believe it at all thou.

Can you have mozzilla and ie on the same machiene or do i need to unistall ie? or can you have both

You can have and use both.



Can you have mozzilla and ie on the same machiene or do i need to unistall ie? or can you have both and use bowindows 2000

You can have Both, and use both at same time :)

Can you have mozzilla and ie on the same machiene or do i need to unistall ie? or can you have both and use bointernet explorer internet explorer

You can install as many browsers as you wish, not just firefox but you can also have, say, Opera or Maxthon.

Never ever uninstall IE, you need it for your security windows updates and it's also an important part of your operating system.
Well it's recommended to keep both. There are some pages on the Internet that require Internet Explorer (for example, Windows Update). So it's ok to have both, it's just a personal preference on which web browser you want to use. I have both, but personally I love Mozilla Firefox better than Internet Explorer.
I agree, keep them both, you dont need to use internet explorer again if you dont want, just dont try to uninstall it..

Some web pages will not work in firefox, heres a link with a nice little internet explorer add on to fix that.....
You can install many browsers and use them at the same time. I have four - MSN Browser, Internet Explorer Browser, Mozilla and Firefox.

You don't want to dare ever uninstall Internet Explorer. It is an intregal part of the Windows Operating System. From a security stand point, it is the only browser in the world with a multi-billion dollar security software industry. Check out Webroot Spysweeper which is the most popular antispyware program today. Although most adware and spyware is written for the Internet Explorer and will not work in others like Mozilla and Firefox - there are virtually no antispyware products for the alternate browsers. Like there is the Earthlink anti-phishing toolbar for Firefox. That's about it. Like I said, security protection available for Internet Explorer is a mulit billion dollar industry. Eveyone saying the alternate browsers are safer are actually being very backward and stupid about security.

Webmaster BlueCollarPC.Net
You can have both present, and use whichever you prefer.
You can have as many browsers as you wish.
you can have IE and mozilla firefox at the same time and any other browsers as well , and you can even use them both at the same moment , actually I am using firefox to browser a website and IE to answer this question right now .

you can download firefox for free from :

Have IE 7 optimized for Yahoo.?

tabs won't open above web page.

Have IE 7 optimized for Yahoo.?windows messenger

Follow these steps in order to fix this problem.

1. Uninstall internet explorer (which you dont have to do) Mozilla on Google

3. Download fire fox which is the most secure and best web browser of 2008.

4. Enjoy the new features of fire Fox which will make you wonder why you ever used internet explorer in the first place.

Don鈥檛 believe me. Find out for yourself.

(-And for the record I can鈥檛 believe that there are still newbs using IE. what a joke! Anyway check out Fire fox and ill guarantee you'll never use IE again-)

Oh and a bit off topic check out my stick animation videos on you tube.



Have IE 7 optimized for Yahoo.?microsoft works internet explorer

To start off I'm just going to say I do not use IE anymore but that is because i found something MUCH better.

I recommend getting Mozilla Firefox it is a free internet browser which is way better than any other browser with lots of cool features and add-ons I do not know if it works on a mac but it works and is amazing for PC

Here is the link for a free download

And oh yeah it has a built in spell checker. If you spell a word wrong then it shows up with a little red bar underneath the word then you just right-click on the word and then it will give you many choices of which word you might be trying to spell it also gives you the option to add it to the built in dictionary

Here us the link for the add-ons aswell

Hope this helps


Why ie every question blocked?

when i go to try to answer a question it is blocked but 10min ago it was not like this!!! i have clicked on every question and they all are blocked!!!


Why ie every question blocked?windows mobile 6

This does not appear to be an issue with Yahoo! Answers and therefore must be an issue at your end of the connection.

Users who are experiencing issues should log out of their account and clear their Internet browsers cookies and cache, instruction on how to do so can be found below

How to clear cache

How to clear cookies

All the best


Why ie every question blocked?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

I'd like to help, but your question's blocked.
Maybe your computer needs restarting, so the java applet will work again. Seriously.

How can I have multiple IE sessions? I want to launch another, separate, IE search w/o losing the on

If you are using a version of IE with tabs, simply open a new tab by clicking on the small blank tab located to the right of the one you are currently using.

If you are not using tabs or if you just want a new window go to File, New Window.

With IE. When i double click on an icon on desktop i have to click it about 7 times before it opens?

Try right clicking it and then select open from the options,if this works OK it sounds like your mouse is giving you problems.

With IE. When i double click on an icon on desktop i have to click it about 7 times before it opens?microsoft excel


With IE. When i double click on an icon on desktop i have to click it about 7 times before it opens?microsoft updates internet explorer

maybe your comp has OCD
sounds like you need to adjust click speed on mouse or replace it

Help! Can you go from IE 7 back to IE 6, or at least make the interface look the same?

My husband has just installed Internet Explorer 7 and it is hideous! The buttons look like a child has drawn them, the light blue gives me a headache and I hate the tabs it uses! Is there any way to make it look like version 6, or revert back to version 6? Are we stuck with this amateurish looking browser?

Help! Can you go from IE 7 back to IE 6, or at least make the interface look the same?microsoft support

Uninstalling Internet Explorer 7

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 and restore Internet Explorer 6 when using Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2. Click Add or Remove Programs.

3. You might have to CHECK the box that says SHOW UPDATES

4. Scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7, click it, and then click Change/Remove.

If you cannot find Internet Explorer 7 in Add or Remove Programs, click Start, click Run, type

%windir%\ie7 \spuninst\spuninst.exe

(I added a space after ie7, so you could see the whole line)

and then press ENTER.

For more information, check this page at the Microsoft website.

If you have further trouble, you might try the RESTORE thing in the System Tools folder and go back a few days before you made this terrible mistake.

Good luck and Happy Computing!

Help! Can you go from IE 7 back to IE 6, or at least make the interface look the same?windows live mail internet explorerThank you for the Five Stars. Have a great day! Report It

Go to Start%26gt;%26gt;Control Panel%26gt;%26gt;Add/Remove. Ensure "Show Updates" has a tick. Remove IE7 and you will automatically revert to IE6.
Try Firefox :) Its much better :)

Plus more security :D

And all the features of IE7 Just without the hideous Look :P
Ditch it and go to Firefox 2.

Believe me, it's MILES better.
To revert back to IE-6, use your add / remove programs in control panel, just be sure that "Show Updates" is checked up at the top. That's all there is to it!
seriously u should use firefox insted ..its the internet looks cool but is faster and wayyyyy safer
Do a system restore back to before it was installed.
Don't think you can change the look, but you can uininstall

Just go to Control panel, Add/Remove, and remove windows internet explorer 7
Firefox good.

IE bad.
You can go back, but there are some security features that can really be OK with ie7 that ie6 doesn't have.

First, to get your menu bar, right click on the bar between the tabs and the word 'home' and choose the menu bar. Then if you want, choose the customize feature (rt click again), and choose to change the icons how you want them.

Next, you can go to Tools%26gt;Internet Options and change the settings so that it turns off the tabs and other stuff that you want to change.

If that still doesn't suit you, go to Control Panel%26gt;Add/Remove Programs and scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7 to remove it.
i asked a similar Q a while ago and was told about firefox it is great no looking back for me, try it i am sure that you will like it.

otherwise just uninstall it from your programs and ie6 will be back but my advice is try firefox
well go to this website
Control Panel then Add/Remove
IE7 is a glorified patch for IE6 and so you can uninstall it from the Control Panel ("Add/remove Programs"). It takes a while and you need to reboot however.
you can run internet explorer 7 as though it was internet explorer 6:

go to C:\WINDOWS\ie7

locate iexplore.exe; right click, select "send to" %26gt; desktop

double click the ie shortcut and your browser will run as internet explorer 6
If for some reason you want to use IE7 but have it look like IE6 (pointless but I'll tell you how)

Set windows to show hidden files and folders, go to c:/windows/ie7 and run iexplore from there. You can also right click on iexplore and send to desktop to create a shortcut.

Much better to go back to ie6 or switch to firefox or opera though
You only need to do a search on here to see how many people are having problems with IE7. The best thing to do is download Mozilla Firefox available from Its faster, more user friendly, easily customisable to suit your needs and no problems.

Help! Can you go from IE 7 back to IE 6, or at least make the interface look the same?

My husband has just installed Internet Explorer 7 and it is hideous! The buttons look like a child has drawn them, the light blue gives me a headache and I hate the tabs it uses! Is there any way to make it look like version 6, or revert back to version 6? Are we stuck with this amateurish looking browser?

Help! Can you go from IE 7 back to IE 6, or at least make the interface look the same?microsoft support

Uninstalling Internet Explorer 7

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 and restore Internet Explorer 6 when using Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2. Click Add or Remove Programs.

3. You might have to CHECK the box that says SHOW UPDATES

4. Scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7, click it, and then click Change/Remove.

If you cannot find Internet Explorer 7 in Add or Remove Programs, click Start, click Run, type

%windir%\ie7 \spuninst\spuninst.exe

(I added a space after ie7, so you could see the whole line)

and then press ENTER.

For more information, check this page at the Microsoft website.

If you have further trouble, you might try the RESTORE thing in the System Tools folder and go back a few days before you made this terrible mistake.

Good luck and Happy Computing!

Help! Can you go from IE 7 back to IE 6, or at least make the interface look the same?windows live mail internet explorerThank you for the Five Stars. Have a great day! Report It

Go to Start%26gt;%26gt;Control Panel%26gt;%26gt;Add/Remove. Ensure "Show Updates" has a tick. Remove IE7 and you will automatically revert to IE6.
Try Firefox :) Its much better :)

Plus more security :D

And all the features of IE7 Just without the hideous Look :P
Ditch it and go to Firefox 2.

Believe me, it's MILES better.
To revert back to IE-6, use your add / remove programs in control panel, just be sure that "Show Updates" is checked up at the top. That's all there is to it!
seriously u should use firefox insted ..its the internet looks cool but is faster and wayyyyy safer
Do a system restore back to before it was installed.
Don't think you can change the look, but you can uininstall

Just go to Control panel, Add/Remove, and remove windows internet explorer 7
Firefox good.

IE bad.
You can go back, but there are some security features that can really be OK with ie7 that ie6 doesn't have.

First, to get your menu bar, right click on the bar between the tabs and the word 'home' and choose the menu bar. Then if you want, choose the customize feature (rt click again), and choose to change the icons how you want them.

Next, you can go to Tools%26gt;Internet Options and change the settings so that it turns off the tabs and other stuff that you want to change.

If that still doesn't suit you, go to Control Panel%26gt;Add/Remove Programs and scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7 to remove it.
i asked a similar Q a while ago and was told about firefox it is great no looking back for me, try it i am sure that you will like it.

otherwise just uninstall it from your programs and ie6 will be back but my advice is try firefox
well go to this website
Control Panel then Add/Remove
IE7 is a glorified patch for IE6 and so you can uninstall it from the Control Panel ("Add/remove Programs"). It takes a while and you need to reboot however.
you can run internet explorer 7 as though it was internet explorer 6:

go to C:\WINDOWS\ie7

locate iexplore.exe; right click, select "send to" %26gt; desktop

double click the ie shortcut and your browser will run as internet explorer 6
If for some reason you want to use IE7 but have it look like IE6 (pointless but I'll tell you how)

Set windows to show hidden files and folders, go to c:/windows/ie7 and run iexplore from there. You can also right click on iexplore and send to desktop to create a shortcut.

Much better to go back to ie6 or switch to firefox or opera though
You only need to do a search on here to see how many people are having problems with IE7. The best thing to do is download Mozilla Firefox available from Its faster, more user friendly, easily customisable to suit your needs and no problems.

Which metabolizes faster? Solid sugar(ie Candy) or Liquid Sugar (ie soda, tea, juice) ?

i believe it's liquid sugar, not sure

Which metabolizes faster? Solid sugar(ie Candy) or Liquid Sugar (ie soda, tea, juice) ?microsoft xp


Which metabolizes faster? Solid sugar(ie Candy) or Liquid Sugar (ie soda, tea, juice) ?download windows xp internet explorer

Solid. Liquid sugar gets into the blood stream.
niether they are both bad for you
liquid i think. tea will metabolize faster than opal fruits or those cola bottles (though for sweets, the gummy ones with no sugar have less cals. i.e. Harribo)

but if you are thinking about your weight - why not substitute? fruit (certain kinds) can be just as sweet as sweets!

i.e. grapes, pink lady apples and braeburn apples.
the diabetic in me says liquid.. if my sugars are very low I go for a drink like Coke, candy takes too long to get me back up.

So the answer is liquid.


Which metabolizes faster? Solid sugar(ie Candy) or Liquid Sugar (ie soda, tea, juice) ?

i believe it's liquid sugar, not sure

Which metabolizes faster? Solid sugar(ie Candy) or Liquid Sugar (ie soda, tea, juice) ?microsoft xp


Which metabolizes faster? Solid sugar(ie Candy) or Liquid Sugar (ie soda, tea, juice) ?download windows xp internet explorer

Solid. Liquid sugar gets into the blood stream.
niether they are both bad for you
liquid i think. tea will metabolize faster than opal fruits or those cola bottles (though for sweets, the gummy ones with no sugar have less cals. i.e. Harribo)

but if you are thinking about your weight - why not substitute? fruit (certain kinds) can be just as sweet as sweets!

i.e. grapes, pink lady apples and braeburn apples.
the diabetic in me says liquid.. if my sugars are very low I go for a drink like Coke, candy takes too long to get me back up.

So the answer is liquid.


Which metabolizes faster? Solid sugar(ie Candy) or Liquid Sugar (ie soda, tea, juice) ?

i believe it's liquid sugar, not sure

Which metabolizes faster? Solid sugar(ie Candy) or Liquid Sugar (ie soda, tea, juice) ?microsoft xp


Which metabolizes faster? Solid sugar(ie Candy) or Liquid Sugar (ie soda, tea, juice) ?download windows xp internet explorer

Solid. Liquid sugar gets into the blood stream.
niether they are both bad for you
liquid i think. tea will metabolize faster than opal fruits or those cola bottles (though for sweets, the gummy ones with no sugar have less cals. i.e. Harribo)

but if you are thinking about your weight - why not substitute? fruit (certain kinds) can be just as sweet as sweets!

i.e. grapes, pink lady apples and braeburn apples.
the diabetic in me says liquid.. if my sugars are very low I go for a drink like Coke, candy takes too long to get me back up.

So the answer is liquid.


CTL ALT DEL and ending IE? How come all IE windows shut down? Is it a failsafe, will this ever chang

They all close because you are closing internet explorer the program - it doesn't matter how many windows you have open there is only one instance of the program running and when you close it, it closes all the windows with it.

CTL ALT DEL and ending IE? How come all IE windows shut down? Is it a failsafe, will this ever change?microsoft downloads

press on End this program button

CTL ALT DEL and ending IE? How come all IE windows shut down? Is it a failsafe, will this ever change?microsoft word 2003 internet explorer

Because those three keys shut down the programs using the program manager.

Does the manager appear? If not there may be a slight glich in the system. How long has this been happening.

And remember if you hit those 3 keys 2 times in a row it will automatically shut down everything that is running. I'm guessing you are not giving the manager enough time to load...go slower.

Why are you using that combination? Do you use it alot? Is your system freezing up? Sorry, you asked the question and here I'm asking more....
It is asking you if you want to end the program, not just close the last active window. As far as if this will ever change, I doubt it. To be certain you can ask MS.
are they all IE? cause if they are it's normal when you close one IE they all close Try using mozilla firefox instead it's better...
If you *oriignally* started only 1 instance of IE (that is you manually ran the program only once), then even though IE created multiple windows in the course of your browsing, it is still 1 process (in comuter terms). Therefore, if you end this process using the TaskManager, *all* windows will be closed.

However, if you manually run more than 1 instance, then if you end one process, only the windows pertaining for *that* process will be closed - the ones for the other process will continue to run.
ctrl,alt and del, bring up the task manager.. and show you all the processes running, applications, and cpu usage,,, also, you can terminate processes... which you are doing with ie... if you want to be sure, you disconnect from your broadband/dial-up might change with Vista... but who knows..
In answer to your last question

The next release of IE will be like mozilla/firefox in that you will have one IE window then multiple browsing windows within it.
Depends on which version of windows you are using but generally if you press CTrl, Alt%26lt;Del you are telling your system to shut down all open windows. I assume you are doing this because a particular window is not responding. It may just be that you have too many windows open.
This problem is often related to hardware issues. Have you gotten any errors on startup?

Check video, ram, and any other hardware.
Hi, you can try firefox browser.

firefox can fix the homepage hijacked.

it can block any annoying popup ads. it can prevent most of the virus in the webpage, as you know, most of the virus is spread through internet.

Download firefox for free:

Good Luck!
